GOOD FOR THE PLANET? (Sustainable farming)

Every time you buy OIiver's Muesli, you are casting a vote for sustainable farming. I can't emphasise enough how important that is.
If farmers are going to change their production systems, they need to know that consumer demand is there. Show them, by voting with your purchasing power! The more muesli you buy, the more farmers can adopt these sustainable methods. It's that simple!
There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to sustainable farming. My aim with Oliver's Muesli is to allow consumers to directly support and incentivise sustainable farming. I do this by sourcing directly from a group of pioneering farmers, some of whom are organic and some of whom mange their farm according to regenerative principles.
Regenerative farming is a system based around the principles of safeguarding soil health, adding organic matter to soils, minimising chemical inputs and providing habitats for wildlife. This helps to provide a more resilient farming system that can actively improve the natural environment, alongside producing food. By adding organic matter to soils, regenerative farming systems can also help lock up more carbon from the atmosphere and help tackle climate change.
Organic farming is different in that it’s a legally defined set of practices that farmers must adhere to. Organic farmers can’t use most chemicals or artificial fertilisers, so rely on more natural processes to grow their crops. Often this involves ploughing their fields, so some farmers prefer to adhere to a regenerative farming approach that involves very sparse use of chemicals, in exchange for not needing to plough.
Both systems share a common goal which is to produce food sustainably. Both make great muesli! If you'd like to know more about any of this, take a look at some of my monthly blog posts.